
Why java is platform independent and what is JVM in java? Explain in simple way.

Platform independent and JVM in java:      ""Java is platform independent, and that's one of the advantages of Java, Java is platform independent because of the JVM." We have heard this a lot, but what exactly does "platform" mean, what is "platform independent," and what is JVM? let's we understand this in an easy way. Platform: Definition  : Platform is combination of Operating System and processor.       It is like in a computer, Processor is combination of software (Operating System) and hardware ( Processor) .      Just like shown in following picture For Example :   1)  Window Operating System + Intel Processor 2)  MAC Operating System + IBM Power PC Processer  platform independent :  Definition  :  Writing code on one platform and executing that same code on another platform without making any changes to the code.          To understand what platform independence is completely and easily, let's take an example: We wrote a piece of